lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

DRAMMA: another way to learn English. Ernesto Parodi Medina School


Grade: 11
Place: Classroom.
Age: 15-17 years old.
School: Ernesto Parodi Medina. Fonseca, La Guajira (Colombia)
Subject: I can take an order for you!
Time: 55 minutes.


1. The teacher gavce them the topic for the dramma. They prepared it one day before.
2. They did: at cafetería and Airport.
3. They brougth things, dress and the decoraded the scene. The rest of students pay attention to group.
4. After that, the teacher did questions for the rest of group and ask they opinions about it.

It was amazing activities, they were mativated and happies. 

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