miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013


6 comentarios:

  1. 1.-In picture 1 Dave´s T-shirt is blue color, in picture 2, it´s white color.
    2.- In picture 1 Anna is sitting and with long hair. In picture 2, is standing and the short hair.
    3.- In picture 1 Kate has a sweater the brown color. In picture 2, she has a sweater the purple color.
    4.- In picture 1 Fiona has the curly red hair. In picture 2, has the long, straight and black hair
    5.- In picture 1 Patrick not have mustache. In picture 2, He have mustache.
    6.- In picture 1, Neil is standing with glasses and a drink. In picture 2, He is sitting, without wear glasses and not has a drink.
    7.- In picture 1, on the table are three gifts. In picture 2, in the table there only two gifts.

  2. Dave: picture 1: dave looks standing with blue jeans, blue sweater and tennis
    Picture2: dave looks standing with blue jeans, white sweater and tennis
    Anna: picture1: anna looks sitting in the corner of a sofa, she has long black hair, wearing a red dress with black shoes
    Picture2: anna looks standing in the corner of a sofa, she has short black hair, wearing a red dress with black shoes
    Kate: picture1: kate in this painting looks sitting with blue jeans, yellow sweater, her hair is light blonde and is short, she is talking to fiona.
    Picture2: kate in this painting looks sitting with blue jeans, purple sweater, his hair is light blonde and is short, she is talking to fiona.
    Fiona: picture1: fiona in this painting looks very short curly hair brown, wears a pink blouse with long sleeves and mid-calf pants, she is speaking with kate
    Picture2: fiona in this painting looks straight hair black, wears a pink blouse with long sleeves and mid-calf pants, she is speaking with kate

  3. Dave: picture 1: dave looks standing with blue jeans, blue sweater and tennis.Picture2: dave looks standing with blue jeans, white sweater and tennis
    Anna: picture1: anna looks sitting in the corner of a sofa, she has long black hair, wearing a red dress with black shoes.Picture2: anna looks standing in the corner of a sofa, she has short black hair, wearing a red dress with black shoes
    Kate: picture1: kate in this painting looks sitting with blue jeans, yellow sweater, her hair is light blonde and is short, she is talking to fiona. Picture2: kate in this painting looks sitting with blue jeans, purple sweater, his hair is light blonde and is short, she is talking to fiona.
    Fiona: picture1: fiona in this painting looks very short curly hair brown, wears a pink blouse with long sleeves and mid-calf pants, she is speaking with kate.Picture2: fiona in this painting looks straight hair black, wears a pink blouse with long sleeves and mid-calf pants, she is speaking with kate

  4. find the differences between the two pictures:interchange 9a and interchange 9b.

    describing and compare the people and the actions different that are developed in the party (picture 1 and picture 2)and to say the differents elements that to see between the picture

  5. Developed a survey why you partner on the kind of lifestyle have in you life and that time take for everyone.
    Tell that I like and why

  6. Dave: has blue pants, with blue sweater and tennis.
    Ana: has a red elegant dress, black shoes high, which makes it different from Dave that this sport.
    Kate has a mustard jacket with jeans and the shoes match her jacket.
    Fiona has a pink blouse with shorts hair is short.
    Patrick: is wearing a black jacket with a white sweater and brown pants
    Neil: you see a sweater with brown pants, and dark brown shoes.

    Difference between these people is that they are dressed different and each strike up a pleasant conversation are celebrating the day of love and friendship
